PT Classroom - 6 Types Of Blog Posts That Will Attract Patients To Your Physical Therapy Blog ׀ by Samuel Awosolu, PT


Samuel Awosolu, PT is a licensed physical therapist with extensive knowledge in online web marketing and development. He has written for Advance Magazine, PT Products Online, and other industry magazines. He blogs regularly at PT Marketing Unleashed. He also has a blog training course that teaches physical therapists how to create and promote their own blog called the PT Blog Academy.


6 Types Of Blog Posts That Will Attract Patients To Your Physical Therapy Blog

If you have a physical therapy blog and have started posting content regularly, you will soon notice the benefits of your hard work. When you create useful and helpful content for your readers you establish credibility and you gain their trust. Blogging provides a channel for you to communicate with your target audience and it can help build relationships through dialogue and discussion.

However, in order to attract potential patients online to your blog you need to create content that is compelling and relevant to their online searches. Here are 6 types of blog posts you can write to attract patients seeking your physical therapy services:

1. Educational Posts: These posts are meant to inform patients about a specific condition, symptom, impairment, or disease process. You can choose the topic you want to educate your audience about. Make sure to reference medical sources if you need to pull facts and statistics.

2. Questions & Answer Posts: Find out what your readers want to know by sending polls via email or social media. Then post the answers in a blog post.

3. Video Posts: If you create a video on YouTube you can easily embed the code onto your blog to share with your readers. If you are camera shy and are not comfortable making your own videos yet, you can still find some videos on YouTube that can provide enough value for your readers to benefit from.

4. Infographics: Infographics are images that present statistical information in an easy to digest manner. You might have seen many examples of these on the web. They have a high share factor meaning people love to share these kinds of images on social media. You can find plenty of infographics on the web that relates to patient care to post on your blog. Most of the creators don’t mind you taking their image and posting them as long as you credit the creator and provide them with a link back to their site.

5. Motivational And Success Stories: Everyone loves to hear a good success story. Especially if it’s from a patient who had to endure a lot set backs from a disability before reaching a level of independence or an improved quality of life. These kinds of posts inspire, push, and motivate your readers. They are personal posts that will help you build a deeper connection with your readers.

6. List Of Top Things: These are very popular posts ( you’re reading one right now). A good example of a list post would be “ The Top 5 Things You Shouldn’t Do After SI Joint Fusion Surgery”, or “ 10 Household Chores To Stay Away From After Having A Lumbar Laminectomy ”. These kinds of posts are good for sharing with friends and bookmarking to read again at a later time.
Hopefully these ideas get your creative juices flowing and you can develop more blog post ideas to help attract patients to your blog.

Last revised: March 18, 2013
by Samuel Awosolu, PT

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