Conditions &
Treatments - De Quervain’s
De Quervain's Tenosynovitis involves
the thickening or inflammation of the fibrous sheath that surrounds the tendons
at the side of the wrist where the thumb is located. The two
tendons which are affected are extensor pollicis brevis
(EPB) and abductor pollicis longus (APL). These two tendons
travel side by side along the inside edge of the wrist on their
way to the thumb through the first dorsal compartment of the
wrist beneath the extensor retinaculum. They can be stressed
with repetitive motions of the forearm involving pronation and
supination, ulnar & radial deviation of the wrist and
abduction/extension of the thumb (1).
Symptoms of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Individuals with de Quervain’s tenosynovitis often present with
pain, tenderness and swelling at the base of the thumb at the
region of the radius and wrist (1). Pain can also radiate
proximally into the forearm and distally into the thumb (1).
Other symptoms can include difficulty with movement of the thumb
and wrist with activities such as grasping or pinching and
crepitus (creaking sound) when moving the affected forearm,
wrist or thumb (1).
Causes of De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis
Repetitive activities requiring the hand and thumb such as
lifting, office work, factory work, racquet sports, golf,
texting, etc. may contribute to thickening and inflammation of the tenosynovium
of the EPB & APL tendons. With inflammation, edema
or swelling may occur in this area which may restrict the
gliding action of the tendons within the extensor tunnel of the
wrist. Other contributing factors for this condition can also
include direct trauma or injury to the area or rheumatoid
PT Findings in Patients with de Quervain’s
Individuals with de Quervain’s Tenosynovits will usually present
with pain, tenderness, and edema at the base of the thumb. They
may also present with decreased abduction range of motion of the
carpometacarpal joint of the thumb, palpable thickening of the
extensor sheath and of the tendons distal to the extensor
tunnel, and crepitus of tendons moving through the extensor
sheath (1). Finkelstein’s test is also frequently utilized to
assist with diagnosing this condition. This test involves having
the patient bending his or her thumb into the palm and grasping
the thumb by making a fist with the remaining fingers. With the
patient grasping on to his or her thumb, passive ulnar deviation of the wrist is
then performed. A positive test will result in pain over the
styloid process of the wrist with the ulnar deviation motion (1).
De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis Treatment Options for a PT
• Rest
• Splinting
• ROM exercises
• Stretching
• Strengthening
• Manual Therapy
• Modalities (ice, ultrasound, phonophoresis)
• Functional training / Work place modification
Last revised: November 15, 2010
by Chai Rasavong, MPT, MBA
1) Anderson M & Tichenor CJ. A Patient with de Quervain's Tenosynovitis: A
Case Report Using an Australian Approach to Manual Therapy.
Physical Therapy. 1994;74(4):314-326.
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