PT Classroom - The Importance of Core Training for Athletes ׀ by Dino Laurenzi, L-ATC, MA, MBA, TRX Trainer & Jennifer Hill, MPT, CSCS


Dino Laurenzi, L-ATC, MA, MBA, TRX Trainer, graduated from the University of North Carolina with a degree in Sports Medicine and Athletic Training. He has worked with clients ranging from professional to fitness athletes. Dino has developed various sports medicine and athletic performance training programs to assist his clients to achieve better performance and improved fitness. Dino is currently the Director of Rehabilitation at United Hospital System.

The Importance of Core Training for Athletes


Core training is a very important aspect of an exercise routine for athletes. When incorporated into a proper workout routine it will help improve neuromuscular control and hopefully reduce injuries. The trunk of the body is considered the core and is comprised of the abdominal muscles, back muscles, pelvic floor muscles and the diaphragm. The core is the basis for all functional movements in sports, and is crucial for everything from cutting, to pivoting, to throwing, etc. Its main purposes are to allow for balance & stability, absorbing force and for the transfer of force/energy to the extremities. The transfer of force/energy affords the athlete the ability to generate additional power with various athletic activities such as a golf swing or a punch.

Incorporating proper technique and core training into a routine will facilitate improved neuromuscular athletic movement patterns which can help with maintaining correct alignment and stability of the spine and pelvis while performing an athletic activity. It will also help the athlete become more efficient with the execution of movements. The strength or weakness of the core will determine the athlete’s ability to move and generate power efficiently while participating in sport. Having good core strength, stability, and efficient dynamic neuromuscular control will facilitate the opportunity for improved sports performance. Athletic movement patterns are variable and dynamic, and require proper neuromuscular training to respond and react to loads placed on the body. Training can be accomplished using a variety of methodologies and equipment. Below are handouts of core training exercises which incorporate the use of the stability ball, medicine ball, disc pillow and kettle bell.


Core Training Exercises - Body Weight & Stability Ball

Core Training: Body Weight Routine


Core Training: Combination Routine


Core Training Level I: Stability Ball


Core Training Level II: Stability Ball


Core Training Level III: Stability Ball


Core Training Level IV: Stability Ball


Core Training Level V: Stability Ball


Core Training Post Chain: Stability Ball


Core Training Exercises - Medicine Ball

Core Training Level I: Medicine Ball


Core Training Level II: Medicine Ball


Core Training Level III: Medicine Ball


Core Training Level IV: Medicine Ball


Core Training Level V: Medicine Ball


Core Training Level VI: Medicine Ball






Disc Pillow Exercises


Disc Pillow Exercises - Lower Chain I


Disc Pillow Exercises - Lower Chain II


Disc Pillow Exercises - Lower Chain III


Disc Pillow Exercises - Lower Chain IV


Disc Pillow Exercises - Lower Chain V






Core Training Exercises - Kettlebell

Core Training Kettlebell
















Last revised: January 14, 2009
by Dino Laurenzi, L-ATC, MA, MBA & Jennifer Hill, MPT, CSCS

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