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Eastern Washington University
Department of Physical Therapy
Box T
310 North Riverpoint Blvd
Spokane, WA 99202-1675
Phone: (509) 368-6601
Fax: (509) 368-6623
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Byron Russell, PT, PhD Chair 
University of Puget Sound
School of Physical Therapy
University of Puget Sound
1500 North Warner, CMB 1070
Tacoma, WA 98416
Phone: (253) 879-3281
Fax: (253) 879-2933
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Kathie Hummel-Berry, PT, PhD Professor and Director
University of Washington
Division of Physical Therapy
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
University of Washington Medical Center
1959 NE Pacific Street, Suite CC-902
Seattle, WA 98195-6490
Phone: (206) 598-5333
Fax: (206) 685-3244
Web Address:
Program E-mail:
Contact Person: Mark R Guthrie, PT, PhD Associate Professor and Head

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Please review our terms and conditions carefully before utilization of the Site. The information on this Site is for informational purposes only and should in no way replace a conventional visit to an actual live physical therapist or other healthcare professional. It is recommended that you seek professional and medical advise from your physical therapist or physician prior to any form of self treatment.
