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back pain

Printed From: CyberPT - Your Online Physical Therapy Resource
Category: Physical Therapy Professional Forum
Forum Name: General Discussion
Forum Description: General discussion for physical therapists, physical therapist assistants and other health care professionals.
Printed Date: Feb 13 2025 at 5:03pm
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Topic: back pain
Posted By: patrickssheets
Subject: back pain
Date Posted: Mar 25 2022 at 3:45am

Hi all,

I've been suffering from chronic back pain for the past year and have tried a variety of pain relievers. Most of the time, I can't walk because it hurts so much in my back and hips.


Hi I am Patrick S Sheets :)

Posted By: Kyrillos
Date Posted: Oct 14 2022 at 5:45pm
I hope http://" rel="nofollow - chiropractic for spinal stenosis  can help you. they can adjust your spine and reduce pain

Posted By: fraserlifephysio
Date Posted: Nov 18 2022 at 1:56am
You should contact a Physiotherapist ASAP. as they are good with this kind of discomfort.

Physio & Rehab services in Langley township BC. We offer a number of physio services such as chiropractic, massage therapy & more.

Posted By: arfeenteqnite
Date Posted: Feb 15 2023 at 11:30am
Hello Patrick, this is Arfeen. If you are suffering from a chronic back pain and you should already tried pain relievers then you should see a" rel="nofollow - physical therapy in lake forest  to get the pain-free and active life. I was also suffering from a chronic back pain but now after seeing a physical therapist I got my pain free life back...

Posted By: bellarhodes
Date Posted: May 11 2023 at 12:46am
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