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Groin pull not's been months!!!

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faromic View Drop Down

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    Posted: Nov 27 2017 at 10:06pm
Hey everyone, I just joined the forum. I'm very frustrated with my current condition that's not healing. I remember running and feeling my hamstring tighten up back in May of 2017. It didn't hurt too much after that, it was a little tight so I laid off of it. Then I started exercising again about a week later after I didn't feel anything. 

I am an active person and have been the last 15 years....I play basketball a lot in the mornings and haven't been able to really play since May. I ended up playing in mid June but the pain was so intense after playing that I stopped after a couple times. I went on vacation for 2 weeks and didn't do anything during this time except walk around. It wasn't too bad at that point and thought I could play. So in early July I tried to play again and the pain returned. That was back in mid July and I haven't really done anything since. 

I ended up going to an orthopedic and he had me first get a back MRI and then subsequently a hip/groin MRI. The conclusions were that there was a strain in the hamstring and groin. I was told to go to physical therapy and it would go away soon. So I went to a physical therapy center here near me. I started in mid August and went for about 4/5 weeks. To make a long story short, the physical therapist had me do a lot of strengthening exercises, like clamshells, adductor holds with bands, some core exercises, isometric hamstring holds...then we progressed into some jumping. They also placed ice on my back and had me lay there for 15 min. I was very frustrated with this process because I was not getting better. I kept going back and they just had me doing the same thing over and over, adding some exercises as we went on. They never touched the muscle or massaged it at all. He just kept saying if you strengthen it it will get better. After the 4th week I bought a book on trigger point therapy (The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook: Your Self-Treatment Guide for Pain Relief (A New Harbinger Self-Help Workbook).  It talked about the micro conractions within the muscle and how massages are required. Tom Brady's new book talked about "pliability" the same concept with deep stroking massages to elongate the muscles. 

I have a foam roller, lacrosse ball, and I began using them on the hamstring and groin..the adductor magnus and brevis I think. I still had pain following a couple weeks. This injury is not going away and it's really frustrating because I love to play sports and do activities and second I need it to de-stress. 

My job involves walking around in the field some and at times climbing a ladder which is not a big deal. I haven't done any cardio since mid July and I still have a significant tug in the hamstring and more so in the groin. It's not going away...

so the next step I took was try acupuncture. I've been going for the last 3 weeks and I'm not sure I'm feeling a significant improvement. I will say that he definitely cares and is trying to solve the problem. He does acupuncture, electrostim in the hamstring and groin, and lastly deep massages that are very aggressive at times. I'm not expecting a miracle but I don't understand why this is not going away. I still feel hip, groin stiffness and pain when I move around.

I read an article on a forum where the original poster was talking about a doctor therapist he went to that did ultrasound therapy and some other stuff. I included his post below for info in italics.

Saw a very qualified Sports Medicine doctor yesterday. The Doc said it's a Type II pull and that 3-6 weeks of therapy should fix it right up. He referred me to a physicaly therapy center.

Today, I went to the physical therapy center. The therapist himself is a doctor and a former wrestler (the dude is big and he's now interested in Krav after I told him about it).

I'm amazed at the advanced techniques and tools they now have. There is an electrical device that manages to apply an anti-inflammatory medicine directly through the skin onto the tendons without needles. They also did deep heating ultrasound therapy followed by a 20 minute manual massage. After this came the fun part. He threw my leg around like a toothpick and twisted it into positions I didn't think possible. No pain involved. The purpose was to re-align a bunch of muscles, tendons and ligaments. Finally, there was 20 minutes of teaching me how (and why) to do various stretches. Some of them were familiar, some not.

I'm supposed to do the exercises 3x a day. Each routine is about 15 minutes. Need to go back there 2-3x a week for 30 minute treatments with all the electrical stuff. At the end of the 2nd week (assuming all goes well) they will start doing resistive exercises for about a week and then plyometric exercises.

Somewhere around week 3-4, I should be able to do some Krav but, kicking and grappling will have to be slowly introduced. I'm advised to do only very light jogging and moderate elliptical. Body building is OK -provided I don't repeatedly put power or stress through the adductors.

I'm going on a ski trip in mid January and am trying to heal this before that. I'm not even sure how to find a good therapist. There are a bunch of ATI and Athletico's by mean but I don't know who to trust especially after my experience. Or should I stick to the acupuncture?  I'd like a PT that is an athlete type that can relate. anything I can do on my own? Can I stretch it hard or just lightly?


Edited by faromic - Nov 27 2017 at 10:12pm
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mihai2303 View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote mihai2303 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Apr 06 2019 at 7:40pm
Hi. How did it go? Did you fix it by now? What did you do?

I have the same damn thing, won't go away, tried almost everything short of surgery.
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eevverett View Drop Down

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote eevverett Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: Jun 10 2020 at 9:43pm
Sorry to hear this news, sincerely hope that you have got rid of the pain now. I have been suffering from groin pain since last year. I exercise according to the doctor's guidance, which has helped me to a great extent. The groin and thigh compression support sleeves have effectively reduced my pain in daily life. If other people have the same pain, I recommend using this brace.
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